Hello from Bolivia

January 2007

 Dear Friends of Amistad,


This is a brief story of the special nature of the ministry of Amistad Mission and the workings of the kingdom of God. Thanks to the generosity of our supporters we were able to formally reopen Casa San Martin de Porres at a special ceremony last month on December 9th. It was a festive occasion as we were also celebrating the 16th anniversary of the opening of the Children’s Villa. The Villa’s eight houses are now home to 65 children under 15 years of age. 


Less than two weeks later, three days before Christmas, we were asked to take in six brothers whose mother is dying of cancer. The boys range in age from 2 to 14 years. The oldest brother was trying to care for them by working on the streets. When their plight was discovered the family was out of food and the youngest needed medical attention for a foot injury. Thanks to the grace of God and our faithful supporters there was ‘room in the inn’ and our financial position allowed us to welcome the boys to the Villa with open arms. Raul, Martin, Miguel, Justino, Ariel and Ronal are currently living in two of our casa’s, becoming acquainted with their new family and learning to cope with the seriousness of their mother’s illness.


Thank you for your support that enabled us to be able to respond to this crisis as only Amistad can. Please keep these boys, their mother, the situation and the well being of Amistad and all those we serve in Bolivia in your prayers.





W. Dana Juett

Executive Director